Order process

How do you place an order on Motorsteunen.nl? We have made the ordering process as simple as possible. Simply add products to your shopping cart and place an order in a few steps.

  1. Add one or more products to your shopping cart. Use the 'add to cart' button to do this.
  2. You can immediately see which products are in your shopping cart. Would you like to continue shopping? Then click on the cross at the top right. Direct Checkout? Then click on the 'checkout' button.
  3. During the payment process you enter your personal details and choose the desired shipping method.
  4. In the next step you select the payment method suitable for you.
  5. You check the order and then choose the 'pay now' button.
  6. You will immediately receive an email confirming your order. As soon as we have received payment, the product will be prepared for shipment and we will take care of the processing of your order. We will then keep you informed of your order and its status by email.
  7. Your personal information will not be provided to third parties without first asking permission.

Prices of products
We deliver many orders to consumers, which is why all prices in our webshop include 21% VAT. To make it easy for business customers, we have also stated the price on the invoice, including and excluding VAT.